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Last Mile Distribution News: July 24, 2019

Stord Marketing

Published Date
July 24, 2019



Wednesday, July 24, 2019

WMS Glitches Reduce Asos E-Commerce Inventory

Glitches in new warehouse management systems along with “supplier issues” reduced the amount of Asos inventory available to online shoppers in the U.S. and Europe. Asos sales and margins have been significantly affected, and the issue isn’t expected to be resolved until September. 


UPS to Roll Out Sunday Deliveries

UPS announced this week that it will be expanding its delivery and pickup services from six days a week to seven to keep up with increasing consumer demands. The company is also expanding its service hours and “MyChoice” platform and rolling out a drone delivery unit.


Bypassing Dallas to be Made Possible by Loop 9

Construction is expected to begin in 2021 for Loop 9, a highway project eventually expected to route freight traffic around the city of Dallas. Texas’s Department of Transportation is planning ahead for increased traffic caused by the growing International Port of Dallas, officials say.